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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Made A Start. :)

Finally organised myself to make a start. Thought i'd better seeing as book 3 is due out soon. :)
Easter Saturday i traced out the stitcheries for block 1. This is how much i've gotten done in a week.
Slowly getting there. Had hoped to have all done ready for the next part. Oh well. I guess i'll catch up by book 4. :)

Happy Stitching,


  1. Your Stitching is going along so speedy Jeanette, you have done so much in a week! I think we all need to give ourselves a break and just make sure we are all having fun with it all!

  2. Your stitchery is so beautiful. How do I join?

  3. Bravo ! you are stitching very fast !!!

  4. Fabulous and you're so speedy or is it me who is so slow. Perhaps I need to just concentrate on one project at a time.
