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Sunday, March 13, 2011


I want to introduce myself.
My name is Tonya,
but I am known around blogland as Hillbilly.
You can find me over at Hillbilly Handiworks.

I just received the first two issues of Vignette
yesterday in the mail!

Getting all that beautiful floss is bittersweet 
knowing that Lecien is located in Japan. 
(The floss is Cosmo from Lecien.)
I just can't keep my eyes from the tv--
watching all that devastation!

I will be slow starting.
Well, I guess I am already well behind
all of you. 
But, I have a quilt ministry--
and I have 3 very pressing quilts that I 
absolutely have to finish before I can start on this.

I'll check back with you when I get started.
In the mean time, 
I enjoy watching yours come along.

In true Hillbilly Style,
I invite ya all to come over yonder to My blog
and sit ya down a spell and 
take a gander around...
and say, "Howdy!"


  1. Welcome to the group Tonya! I'm sure that you'll catch up in no time! :)

  2. Hey there, I will be joining you in the 'slow stakes'. Have had the fabric and threads for a while but haven't quite got around to organising myself yet...I think you are doing the 'tis the season SAL too? Happy Stitching. Susie

  3. Yayyyyyyyy mine arrived today, will order issue 2 at the weekend.
    Can't get the cosmo cottons over in the UK and struggling to find the fabrics to but i can sort that out i guess :)
