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Birdhouse block |
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Thursday, March 31, 2011
Birdhouse block
I have finished the Birdhouse block for the mystery quilt, so now onto the small flower stitcheries and then the long one. It's so nice to see progress!
Happy stitching.
Working on Blocks 2 and 3
I have done a lot of the piecing on blocks two and three and have traced all the stitchery. I took notice of what others had said and decided to do my stitchery in one piece rather than two and it seems to be working quite well. I shall post a piccy in due course but there could be a bit of a delay there is rather a lot of stitchery to be done.............
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Shoo Fly Blocks
I had a free day today 'Home Alone' and managed to sew my 14 Shoo Fly Blocks for the Mystery Quilt from Issue 1. I think I am happy with my choice of colours. Well, after sewing 14 blocks, I will have to be!

Also, good news. My hanky linen arrived in the post today. I ordered it from E Bay in the USA and it arrived in Spain within a week. Fantastic! The postman must have known I was itching to start the stitcheries.
Friday, March 25, 2011
In the Beginning.....
In the beginning there was ............. fabric.

As I explained previously, I am unable to obtain the Lecien 'Sweet Broderie' and 'Basics' range for the Mystery Quilt easily and as I have been trying to use my stash, of which I have so-o-o-oooo much, see here and here I decided I would try to use something I already had. Of course, (despite having enough fabric to last me until I reach 100), you still never have exactly what you need. But, I soldiered on, because I was determined to make a start.
So, this is what I have come up with.

And these are the embroidery threads I have chosen to go with.

So, my question is.... Do you think these colours will work?
I hope so! I am just ironing these fabrics now and am about to start cutting Shoo Fly Blocks.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Blocks 2 and 3

Yesterday I did some work on blocks 2 and 3. I have done all of the piecing apart from the shoo fly blocks around the edge and have started embroidering the middle block alongside block 1 to keep me interested. The original design had the red dot border and the cream pieced as two 18.5 strips, but as the width of fabric is 44", I used one long strip. The other variation is the stripes that I've used which were meant to be 1" finished squares but as there are several large striped fabrics in the "It's a Hoot" collection, I thought it would work well and I'm happy with it. There are no flowers to fussy cut in my fabric so I fussy cut the brown and teal stripes for the 2" squares.
I am very concerned that I'm soon going to run out of some of the threads and especially the red. How many skeins of each colour do we need to complete the quilt as I'd like to buy it all at once to save on the cost of postage?
OK, Let's Do It!
Well, I have only just discovered Vignette (I'm a bit slow on the uptake it seems). I found it whilst a'surfin', I can't remember how. I sent off for the first two magazines immediately and was delighted with them. So, then I decided I would love to make the Mystery Quilt. (like I have time!).
I am from UK born and bred, but live a great deal of the time in Spain. Hence, I have had to send to Oz for my hanky linen. I am sure they probably sell it here in Spain somewhere, but I wouldn't know where to begin to look. I don't think I can buy the fabrics here and since the import duty would make the purchase from foreign parts very expensive, I have decided to use fabrics from my stash. No problem there then. My choice will be huge!
In the meantime, I have just blogged about it on my blog http://www.sewhappy.me/

I am unable to start the stitcheries (which I am itching to do) until the hanky linen arrives. So, I need to sort out my fabrics and start to sew my Shoo Fly blocks.
I will keep you posted. Looking forward to taking part!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
A New Beginning...
Well...I have now received and purchased everything I need to make this beautiful quilt... "Vignette In Stitches".
I have my fabrics..

I have my threads and instructions....

I have cut all my pieces for the 'shoo fly' blocks...

I laid them out and stitched them together....

This is going to be fun....
Even my scraps look good!!

Till next time... or visit me on my blog www.theshabbyrosecollection.blogspot.com
Sharni xx
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Blocks 2 and 3 started!
I have made a start on the Vignette blocks two and three. I have managed to complete all the piecing so now I am up to the applique, then lots of tracing and lots of stitching.
Because I am using different fabrics from the magazine, I find it quite difficult choosing which fabric to use and where! I do not have a lot of experience in this! However I love the birds that I was able to fussy cut, here is one of them:
So I had a really productive weekend sewing and I love that I am now up to the hand stitching (well, once I do the tracing) so I can take it with me where I go!
Happy stitching, Wendy
Happy stitching, Wendy
Friday, March 18, 2011
I have started blocks 2 and 3 and am about half way. I chose to do the stitching all in one bit rather than cut the background fabric in half. It is coming along nicely but it is a very long piece! I cut my stitching fabric wider than the final size to make it easier to stitch.
Happy stitching
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Giveaway Winner ...
... for the Where the Wind Blows fat quarter bundle ...
... Congratulations goes to ...
Jessica of Scrap 'n' Happy
Jessica can you please email me your postal address so that I can post the bundle to you.
Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway.
I couldn't get the random generator pic to work :-( and with being so late with the draw, I decide to not worry about trying to post the pic.
I'm so sorry that it has taken me a little while longer than I thought, before I drew this giveaway ... we have been a little busy here on the farm the last week.
Happy stitching, P
Monday, March 14, 2011
Threads and Sweet Broderie, on the way to me, but I couldn't wait...
I also kind of started panicking, what if my stitching sucked and I didn't like the blocks because my stitching was so bad. I decided I needed to do some practising to make sure it was ok, and I was so excited about looking through Vignette issue 2 (Thanks for the quick postage Perri!) that I wanted to do something Vignette-ish...
So I worked on my project preparation. I decided to prettify (is that a word?) my zip lock bags in with fabric stickers. (I bought some double sided tape, stuck the fabric on one side and stuck it to the bag), then wrote the block numbers on them.
I used leftover scraps from a Fat Quarter of fabrics by Patty Young from the Playdate Collection.
Then I realised that the remember notice board project in Vignette issue 1 had similar stitching on it. So I made it up with scraps; cut it in half (if I had done one of the stitcheries up side down, I needed have cut it, but only got my idea after); added a zipper and lining and made it into a pouch to store my zip lock bags.
This is exactly the same pattern as the Remember Project, I just changed the words to read Vignette Project!
That is the front, and the back is below :)
My stitching did need work, but I will try to get in some more practise before I get started officially!
So I worked on my project preparation. I decided to prettify (is that a word?) my zip lock bags in with fabric stickers. (I bought some double sided tape, stuck the fabric on one side and stuck it to the bag), then wrote the block numbers on them.

Then I realised that the remember notice board project in Vignette issue 1 had similar stitching on it. So I made it up with scraps; cut it in half (if I had done one of the stitcheries up side down, I needed have cut it, but only got my idea after); added a zipper and lining and made it into a pouch to store my zip lock bags.
This is exactly the same pattern as the Remember Project, I just changed the words to read Vignette Project!

Sunday, March 13, 2011
I want to introduce myself.
My name is Tonya,
but I am known around blogland as Hillbilly.
You can find me over at Hillbilly Handiworks.
I just received the first two issues of Vignette
yesterday in the mail!
Getting all that beautiful floss is bittersweet
knowing that Lecien is located in Japan.
(The floss is Cosmo from Lecien.)
I just can't keep my eyes from the tv--
watching all that devastation!
I will be slow starting.
Well, I guess I am already well behind
all of you.
But, I have a quilt ministry--
and I have 3 very pressing quilts that I
absolutely have to finish before I can start on this.
I'll check back with you when I get started.
In the mean time,
I enjoy watching yours come along.
In true Hillbilly Style,
I invite ya all to come over yonder to My blog
and sit ya down a spell and
take a gander around...
and say, "Howdy!"
Yippee Vignette Two is here.
My Vignette Two has arrived so I shall be able to get stitching again - cannot wait to get started ..................
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Finally ...
... I have finished stitching Block 1 ...
... I have just noticed that one butterfly doesn't have its body stitched ... will fix that now ... done...
I have chosen to stitch my blocks without the shoo-fly border ... will decide if I wish to add the
shoo-flies when I have finished all the individual blocks.
All the pieces for block 2 & 3 have been cut and will trace stitcheries and piece over the next few days.
Happy stitching, P
Monday, March 7, 2011
I received some of my fabric today!
I am so excited! I got home today and had not one but 2 parcels from the mail man. One of them I didn't expect till Wednesday and is part of my birthday present from my mum. Doesn't it look scrumptious?!
Mum is also ordering my Sweet Broderie Fat Quarter Pack and Cosmo Threads soon, they are coming from the States so I may have to wait a little for them. I got the fat quarters, red spot and hanky linen from Patchwork with Gail B in Victoria and I was told that they probably would not be able to post it on Friday, and it would probably leave today which would mean tomorrow or Wednesday for me, so getting it today was a great surprise!
I also ordered my copy of Vignette Issue 2 from Perri today, so even though I still haven't touched the fabric with a rotary cutter or threaded a needle with some Cosmo threads, I am getting closer! I can't wait to be joining all of you on this exciting adventure!

I also ordered my copy of Vignette Issue 2 from Perri today, so even though I still haven't touched the fabric with a rotary cutter or threaded a needle with some Cosmo threads, I am getting closer! I can't wait to be joining all of you on this exciting adventure!
A whole lot of stitchin goin on!
I was able to do quite a bit of stitching over the weekend. I'm in a hurry now. One - to get Block One done so I can start on Block Two, and Two - my tracing is fading!!!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Block 1 finished
My 14 year old daughter and I have enjoyed looking at all the creative blogs and decided to start our own. The push for me to start was the Vignette blog as I loved the magazine and started the first block. This is the first time I have done a mystery quilt so I am excited for the next magazine and to see how the quilt progresses.
Here is a photo of the first Vignette mystery quilt block that I have now completed. I chose quite different colours because I hope it will end up in my (and my husband's) bedroom.
Here is a photo of the first Vignette mystery quilt block that I have now completed. I chose quite different colours because I hope it will end up in my (and my husband's) bedroom.
Thanks, Wendy.
I just had to get it finished.....

So, within about 5 minutes of finishing it I'd jumped onto the computer and ordered Vignette #2 from Perri's online store.
Just wanted to encourage those who are still stitching - keep going with your stitching - sometimes it can get hard to complete the blocks (trust me... I know this one too well!!)... but it's well worth sticking with it and getting the block finished!!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Issue 2 ...
... what more can I say but ...
... WOW ...
... you have done it again, Leanne ...
... it could be hard to say it is better than Issue 1 ... but, I do think it might be ... there is more stitching in the BOM !!! I say this with a huge smile !
... I love to stitch ...
... it is so yummy.. I can't wait to start stitching this one ...
... I am still stitching block 1,only have the butterflies left to stitch ...
Happy stitching, P
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Block One Pieced!
I finally managed to piece together my first block of the Vignette in Stitches quilt on the weekend! Since taking this photo I have traced the design and started stitching! I thought I had better hurry up as the second issue of Vignette is due out this week! I have loved making all the little blocks and the stitchery is beautiful! I'm loving seeing everyone's blocks completed too! I have tried to use fabrics from my very large stash rather than purchase new ones! I'm happy with the colours and decided to stitch on a beige print with small white dots - hope the end result looks good! Happy stitching everyone!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Guess what ....
First ...
is printed and now being dispatched ...
...So to celebrate this ...
... Leanne sent me ...
... a bundle of 15 fat Quarters from 'Where the Wind Blows' for a giveaway.
Yes, this is the Melly Hurlston fabric that is used in one of the projects in Issue 2.
So to enter ...
...share this giveaway on your blog, then come back here leave a comment as an entry
...if are you a non blogger but you have facebook page - share this giveaway on your fb page for an entry
... non-blogger can enter but must leave a contact email, so no email left - no entry!
... and this giveaway will be posted worldwide...
...share this giveaway on your blog, then come back here leave a comment as an entry
...if are you a non blogger but you have facebook page - share this giveaway on your fb page for an entry
... non-blogger can enter but must leave a contact email, so no email left - no entry!
... and this giveaway will be posted worldwide...
This giveaway will close in 10 days time - at 10am (Qld time) Thursday 10th of March and I will do the draw soon after the closing time.
Please only leave one comment.
If you don't have a blog you can still enter but a contact email address needs to be left with your comment because I'm sorry to say, that if I have no way of making contact the entry will not go into the giveaway draw, so no email left - no entry!
Good luck!
Happy stitching, P
This giveaway is now closed
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