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Monday, September 5, 2011

Block 1 is a Finish ......

Block ONE is completed and block 2/3 is in my sights to start .......

More can be seen on MY BLOG .

Enjoy your stitching,


  1. This is insanely, here is the scoop...or rather invite..would you like to do a tut on something like this for my blog in November?

  2. WOW, that's absolutely gorgeous, Sharon! Great work.

    Yes, there IS a lot of stitching in those borders, but it this is such a gorgeous project, that it is worth it.

  3. Fabulous job Sharon... your block is looking gorgeous!! I'm off to check out your blog for more pics....

  4. your work and your photos look fantastic Sharon, and wow you're speedy too! glad to have you along on the journey to inspire :D
