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Monday, August 6, 2012

A bit more progress

Some nights recently have been spend doing a little more on my

Vignette Mystery Quilt

I have now completed Block 13

and I have been making very ssllooowww progress on blocks 10 & 11

and if you follow me on Instagram (lilabellelane) you would know that 
I have now started to work on block 16. 

hugs, Sharon


  1. Wow. You are doing so well. I am busy appliquing the flowers now on blocks 6 and 7.

  2. Hi - you visited my blog and asked about the DIY macro lens. I sent a reply to the email in the sidebar (since you're a no-reply blogger), but not sure if that's you or someone else. I mistakenly called my kneaded rubber eraser a gum eraser and that's why you couldn't figure out how to get it to stick! Sorry for the mistake - I corrected the post.

  3. It looks great, Sharon! Your stitches are so perfect and beautiful.

  4. Gorgeous quilt!! So many stitches, wow. It's just beautiful.
