Hi everybody! I'm Letizia from Italy and I'm very glad to be part of your blog. I already know one or two of listed friends because we are involved in some stitching projects. I'm a former quilter but during this past year I was captured by this wonderful combination between stitches and patchwork. I love it, trust me! At the moment I'm working on different patchwork works (a baltimore), a Leanny House and some more...ufo.
I would like to post one or two of my finished works hoping to respect this blog roles. In addition....sorry for my english and thanks for your invitations.
Ciao Ciao
Applique' reverse for throw pillows

Hello Kitty quillow

A silk throw pillow for my daughter in law

...and a carpet to celebrate 150 years of United Italy with the cooperation of many Italian quilters: mandatory colors: red-white-green