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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bringing up the Rear...

I'm not sure how many of you are still out there who as far behind the frontrunners as I am :)
I have been very inspired again recently by attending the Adelaide Craft and Quilt Show; receiving my copies of issue 7 and issue 8 from Perri and reading the latest posts from Sharon, Sylvia and Sybil.

I had to revisit things to see just where I was up to so...
Blocks 1, 2, 3 are done, I have to add the shoofly blocks to blocks 4,5 and 9 but the stitchery is done - Oh and I haven't touched the little heart applique's yet.

But I did a lot of cutting and got my zip lock bags for each block to go from this

To this...

I think that I will do all the cutting first now that I have all the issues then get back to piecing and stitching and eventually try the applique!
Anyone else out there?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Home Stretch

I have started the last panel.
I am on the home stretch and it feels
so good to be so close to a finish.
Hugs, Sharon

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Final border section is finished

I went off on a tangent for my last border section!  You can read more about it on my blog at

I've spent the week sewing the last section to the first 12 blocks and doing the joining embroidery work.  It won't be long before I start thinking about how I'm going to quilt it.