Here is a picture of the piece of my Vignette Mystery Quilt that I am currently working on.
Now the only reason I have added this picture is because I think a post always looks a little dull without a picture.
However, the real reason to add this post was to offer you my suggestion of "Let's Twitter".
I thought it might be nice for us to all keep up to date with quick tweets about how we are getting along with our Vignette sewing.
I have added a quick tweet today with the hashtag vigmag. This means if you want to post a related tweet, then just add #vigmag at the end of your tweet and other tweeters will be able to find your tweet easily. I could not use the hashtag vignette as it was already being used by other unrelated tweets.
I hope there isn't already a related hashtag that somebody else has already started. If there is, please let me know.
Otherwise, I hope you decide to share some #vigmag tweets with us all and I look forward to reading them.
OK. That's if folks. Back to my stitchin'!